Pain Management

Pharmacy compounding offers patients customised options for pain preparations. We can provide alternative methods of delivery for medications - such as highly penetrating transdermal creams, gels or sprays. These methods of delivery can transport the medication quickly and efficiently to the site it needs to work at, providing the patient with a better overall health outcome.

Some chronic pain sufferers require multiple products, and they can be combined into a single compounded oral and topical preparations, reducing the need to be using multiple medications.

Formulations include topical preparations, capsules, suppositories, nasal sprays, sub-lingual drops and sublingual or buccal lozenges.

We are more than happy to help with a wide range of pain conditions such as: neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, musculo-skeletal pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), neuropathy, migraines, and cancer-related pain.